Just Add Power AV-Over-IP Solutions receive HETMA higher education certification


Just Add Power, an AV-over-IP solutions firm, has received approval from the Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance (HETMA) for the 3G Ultra 508POE Receiver and the 3G Ultra 707POE Transmitter.

Just Add Power, an AV-over-IP solutions firm, has received approval from the Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance (HETMA) for the 3G Ultra 508POE Receiver and the 3G Ultra 707POE Transmitter, according to a press release.

The certification is granted to devices that meet criteria for use in a higher education environment.

“HETMA has built a strong foundation for evaluating AV products to ensure that they will make higher education installs successful and reliable,” Ed Qualls, CEO at Just Add Power, said in the release. “We’re proud to have HETMA’s seal of approval and confirm that our 508POE and 707POE are tried-and-true solutions that higher ed technology managers can be confident deploying in their classrooms.”


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About the Author: Chimdi Blaise