Data-driven technologies continue to underpin digital signage trends in 2024


Kevin Bierman shares the top five trends in data-driven digital signage technologies for the coming year.

March 29, 2024 | by Kevin Bierman — Head of Digital Signage Solutions, Moving Tactics

Kevin Bierman, head of digital signage solutions at Moving Tactics. Image: Moving Tactics

2024 promises to be the year of data-driven technologies. The integration of these data-driven strategies will drive the future of digital signage, signifying a strategic shift towards utilizing data-driven insights for creating highly personalized campaigns. By embracing these insights, digital signage transcends its conventional role of displaying imagery and content, transforming into an adaptive platform that caters to audience preferences.

“This shift, which I foresee as an evolution, will ensure the delivery of content finely tuned to resonate with the specific interests and preferences of the target audience. To complement this overarching trend, we’ve pinpointed the top five digital signage trends and technologies, which when seamlessly integrated with data analytics tools, substantially enhance the effectiveness of engaging and capturing the attention of consumers. It is all about technology that collaborates with your business environment intelligently to maximize engagement with customers and drive sales,” says Kevin Bierman, head of digital signage solutions at Moving Tactics, a digital signage solutions company based in South Africa.

1. Personalization and AI Integration

In an age of information overload, personalization has become increasingly crucial, as consumers expect brands to tailor their offerings to individual interests and preferences. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, and tailor content in real-time, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into digital signage technologies is transforming how brands understand their consumer behavior and preferences. Leveraging data-driven insights will allow brands to deliver hyper-personalized marketing campaigns that cut through the noise and resonate with their target audience, ensuring relevance and engagement.

2. Interactivity and Touchless Technology

As touchless digital signage technologies solidify their presence as the norm in Retail and Quick-Service Restaurants (QSR), recent innovations and technological strides—including touchless interfaces, gesture controls, voice commands, and proximity sensors—are markedly elevating the customer experience. By harnessing these technologies, brands can aptly address the increasing demand for a secure, convenient, and interactive customer experience.

3. Integration with IoT and Smart Devices

As brands increasingly depend on data for informed decision-making, the ongoing integration of digital signage with the Internet of Things (IoT) is set to revolutionize customer interactions for brands, especially in the retail and Quick-Service Restaurant (QSR) industries. This integration facilitates seamless communication between digital signage systems and other smart devices, fundamentally transforming the way brands engage with their customers. When utilized with IoT, digital signage can collect and share vast amounts of data and facilitate content updates in real-time. This allows brand and marketing managers to measure and track campaign performance, ensuring that their campaigns are consistently delivering optimal results.

4. Content Automation and Dynamic Displays

Fueled by the demand for personalized, efficient, and data-driven content strategies, the incorporation of machine learning-powered automation tools into digital signage technologies will empower brand and marketing managers. This integration enables the seamless streamlining of content creation and management in real-time, facilitating more dynamic and contextually relevant displays.

5. Immersive Experiences with Extended Reality (XR)

As consumers’ appetites for immersive and memorable experiences grow, the integration of Extended Reality (XR) technologies encompassing Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) and particularly Augmented Reality (AR) into digital signage technologies, will continue to revolutionize how consumers interact with content and provide brands with new opportunities to attract and engage their audience.

Kevin Bierman is Head of Digital Signage Solutions at Moving Tactics, a leading digital signage solutions company in South Africa. Qualified in Architectural and Mechanical Drafting, Kevin pursued a career in IT through positions at Denel Informatics IBM, Asiakon SA, InfoSkill, and Ethniks Systems. In June 2007, Kevin started at Woolworths as Digital Channel Consultant. Since 2012, he has implemented digital signage networks for Moving Tactics for local and international brands, such as MTN, McDonalds, etc.


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About the Author: Kevin Bierman